Political Science

Session Course Title Day Time Enrollment
I POL SCI 21A – LEC 67010 (4.0 units)
Introduction to American Government ***ONLINE COURSE***

I POL SCI 44B – LEC 67060 (4.0 units)
Global Political Ideologies ***ONLINE COURSE***

I POL SCI 61A – LEC 67090 (4.0 units)
Introduction to Race and Ethnicity in Political Science ***ONLINE COURSE***

I POL SCI 71A – LEC 67110 (4.0 units)
Introduction to Law ***ONLINE COURSE***

I POL SCI 126G – LEC 67140 (4.0 units)
Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll: The Politics of Prohibition ***ONLINE COURSE***

I POL SCI 130A – LEC 67150 (4.0 units)
Game Theory and Politics I ***ONLINE COURSE***

I POL SCI 151H – LEC 67160 (4.0 units)
Voting and Political Manipulation ***ONLINE COURSE***

II POL SCI 21A – LEC 67020 (4.0 units)
Introduction to American Government ***ONLINE COURSE***

TuTh  9:00am - 11:50am 
II POL SCI 31A – LEC 67040 (4.0 units)
Introduction to Political Theory ***ONLINE COURSE***

II POL SCI 41A – LEC 67050 (4.0 units)
Introduction to International Relations ***ONLINE COURSE***

MWF  3:00pm - 4:50pm 
II POL SCI 51A – LEC 67070 (4.0 units)
Introduction to Politics Around the World ***ONLINE COURSE***

MW  1:00pm - 3:50pm 
II POL SCI 121G – LEC 67130 (4.0 units)
American Public Policy

MWF  9:00am - 10:50am 
II POL SCI 151H – LEC 67170 (4.0 units)
Voting and Political Manipulation ***ONLINE COURSE***

II POL SCI 171AW – LEC 67190 (4.0 units)
Law and Society ***ONLINE COURSE***

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