
Session Course Title Day Time Enrollment
I PSYCH 7A – LEC 68010 (4.0 units)
Introduction to Psychology ***ONLINE COURSE***

TuTh  9:00am - 11:50am 
I PSYCH 9A – LEC 68020 (4.0 units)
Psychology Fundamentals

MWF  11:00am - 12:50pm 
I PSYCH 9B – LEC 68030 (4.0 units)
Psychology Fundamentals ***ONLINE COURSE***

I PSYCH 9C – LEC 68055 (4.0 units)
Psychology Fundamentals ***ONLINE COURSE***

I PSYCH 60N – LEC 68070 (4.0 units)
Neurobiology of Cognition ***ONLINE COURSE***

I PSYCH 78A – LEC 68080 (4.0 units)
Self-Identity and Society ***ONLINE COURSE***

I PSYCH 121S – LEC 68100 (4.0 units)
Psychology of Sleep and Consciousness ***ONLINE COURSE***

MW  8:00am - 10:50am 
I PSYCH 129 – LEC 68110 (4.0 units)
Psychology of Music ***ONLINE COURSE***

MWF  9:00am - 10:50am 
I PSYCH 178N – LEC 68140 (4.0 units)
Social Psychology of Networks ***ONLINE COURSE***

MW  1:00pm - 3:50pm 
II PSYCH 9B – LEC 68040 (4.0 units)
Psychology Fundamentals ***ONLINE COURSE***

II PSYCH 9C – LEC 68050 (4.0 units)
Psychology Fundamentals ***ONLINE COURSE***

II PSYCH 56L – LEC 68060 (4.0 units)
Acquisition of Language ***ONLINE COURSE***

II PSYCH 120A – LEC 68090 (4.0 units)
Abnormal Psychology ***ONLINE COURSE***

II PSYCH 160A – LEC 68120 (4.0 units)
Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience

MWF  11:00am - 12:50pm 
II PSYCH 160D – LEC 68130 (4.0 units)
Brain Disorders and Behavior ***ONLINE COURSE***

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