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History of Hip-Hop Culture

MUSIC 48 (4.0 units)Session II

Recently, hip-hop’s 50th year anniversary was recognized around the country: from “block party” celebrations in communities of color around the country to performances and lectures at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C. How did hip-hop culture, which originated in Black and Latinx communities in New York City, enter into the global stage with billionaires among its representatives? Through an intensive examination of the music, people, histories, and controversies of hip-hop, we will deep-dive into analyses of race, gender, socio-historical events, and their intersections in intensive, engaging sessions. Attendance and participation are mandatory. (IV).

Instructor(s) Norfleet, D.
Schedule TuTh 9:00 - 11:50am, Music and Media Building 316
Units 4.0
Course Code 04090
UC Undergraduate (per unit) $ 279.00
UC Graduate (per unit) $ 374.00
Visitor (per unit) $ 374.00
Note(s) None