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Course Search

Experimental Microbiology Laboratory

BIO SCI M118L (5.0 units)Session II

Introductory general microbiology designed for preprofessional biology majors. Includes microscopy, cultivation of bacteria, morphological and biochemical characterization of bacteria, microbial metabolism, growth and genetics, microorganisms and human disease, and interactions of microorganisms with the environment. Materials fee. Prerequisite: BIO SCI 99 and (BIO SCI 100 or BIO SCI 108). (Ib)

Instructor(s) Jha, N.
Schedule MW 1:00 - 4:50pm, Steinhaus Hall 226
Units 5.0
Course Code 05330
UC Undergraduate (per unit) $ 279.00
UC Graduate (per unit) $ 374.00
Visitor (per unit) $ 374.00
Course Materials Fee $ 85.00
Note(s) None