Physiology Laboratory

BIO SCI E112L (4.0 units)Session I

Laboratory with a focus on the whole organism and its organ systems. Examples of structure-function relationships are drawn from both animal and human physiology. Cellular and molecular aspects are introduced as required. Materials fee. Prerequisite: (BIO SCI 100 or BIO SCI 108) and (BIO SCI E109 or (BME 120 and BME 121)). Overlaps with PHRMSCI 120L. (Ib)

Instructor(s) Aguilar-Roca, N.
Schedule TuTh 9:00 - 11:50am, Steinhaus Hall 272
Units 4.0
Course Code 05246
UC Undergraduate (per unit) $ 279.00
UC Graduate (per unit) $ 374.00
Visitor (per unit) $ 374.00
Course Materials Fee $ 30.00
Note(s) None